Parking Enforcement Officer Careers

Officers in the parking enforcement ranks are law enforcement officers that contribute to public safety and facilitate the flow of traffic.  By issuing tickets, monitoring illegally parked cars and maintaining order on sidewalks and busy urban roads, parking enforcement officers enable motorists to travel roadways, streets and thoroughfares free from obstructions.  These officers perform a vital function that is critical to the operation of society.

Parking enforcement officers possess a background in the law that grants them the authority to impose fines, tow and impound vehicles, and order drivers out of areas blocking traffic.  These officers must operate computerized systems so that they can pull up records on vehicles and properly notify owners about actions regarding their vehicle.  These hard working officers also must be capable of responding to hostile or irate individuals while performing their duties.

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Parking Enforcement Officer Job Description

Parking enforcement officers are trained to perform the following responsibilities:

  • Patrol areas in vehicles or on foot
  • Conduct vehicle searches using tag or license information
  • Issue tickets to improperly parked vehicles
  • Check meters for expiration of time limits
  • Place large signs or boots on vehicles that have far exceeded parking limits
  • Collect coins from parking meters
  • Alert repair crews to damaged or missing meters
  • Enforce animal control laws
  • Alert police, fire or medical personnel to emergency situations

How to Become a Parking Enforcement Officer

A job as a parking enforcement officer is usually obtained through a civil service employment program.  Local governments will employ parking enforcement officers who have successfully completed an involved selection process.  This is a law enforcement position, so candidates are expected to possess at least a high school diploma, and a two-year or four year degree may be helpful during the application and promotion processes.

Applicants should possess the following qualifications:

  • Valid driver’s license
  • High school diploma
  • Good physical condition

If the parking enforcement job is being offered through the local or state police department, additional qualifications like U.S. citizenship, no felony convictions and a college degree may be required.  Police departments may also mandate successful passage of rigorous physical exams.

Most parking enforcement officers, however, are employed independently of police departments.  These officers report directly to a governmental agency like the Department of Transportation or Public Safety.  Jobs with these agencies typically have less demanding qualifications.

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Before filling parking enforcement jobs, officers must complete a departmental training program that will instruct them on:

  • How to issue tickets
  • Responses to hostile individuals
  • Researching vehicles
  • Towing and booting
  • Operation of a parking enforcement vehicle
  • Animal control issues
  • Reading meters


Parking Enforcement Officer Salary

As of May 2021, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that parking enforcement officers earned an average salary of $46,050. Those working at the local level earned an average salary of $47,290, while those working at the state level earned an average salary of $55,320.

2021 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures for parking enforcement workers. Job growth projections from the US Department of Labor-sponsored resource, Projections Central. Figures are based on national data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed August 2022.

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