Wyoming State Trooper Training

The Wyoming Highway Patrol includes more than 200 Wyoming State Troopers who are tasked with patrolling the state’s 6,800 miles of highways. Wyoming State Trooper jobs involve field operations; safety and training; and port of entry patrol.

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This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to become a Wyoming State Trooper:

  1. Meet minimum hiring requirements for State Troopers
  2. Apply for employment
  3. Complete the Wyoming Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission test
  4. Take the Wyoming Physical Abilities Test (WYPAT)
  5. Undergo an oral and character trait interview
  6. Undergo a drug screening and background investigation
  7. Undergo a psychological assessment and polygraph examination
  8. Attend the Wyoming Highway Patrol Recruit Academy

Step 1: Meet Minimum Hiring Requirements for State Troopers

Before you apply for employment, you should first determine if you meet the minimum hiring requirements for Wisconsin State Trooper jobs, which include:

  • You must a U.S. citizen
  • You must be at least 23 years of age before the date of the entrance examinations.
  • You must have a high school diploma or GED.
  • You must have at least two years of experience working with the public.
  • You must have 20/20 vision in each eye (corrected or uncorrected)
  • You must have no convictions or record of:
    • Criminal offenses
    • Revocation, suspension, or disqualification of your driving privilege or driver’s license within the last 3 years
    • Numerous car accidents or convictions for moving violations

Step 2: Apply for Employment

You can apply for State Trooper jobs in Wyoming through the Wyoming Division of Human Resources’ job portal.

When searching for open Wyoming State Trooper jobs online, enter the following information into the fields:

Class Specification: PSHP07-19212 (Highway Patrol Trooper PSHP07)
Department: Transportation
Class Family: Highway Patrol – Safety

The Wyoming Highway Patrol sends letters (via email) to all candidates invited to participate in the testing process to become Wyoming State Troopers.

Step 3: Complete the P.O.S.T. Test

The Wyoming Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission (P.O.S.T.)  provides all candidates with testing dates and times for the P.O.S.T. test, and you can also call 307-777-7718 to inquire about testing dates and times.

The P.O.S.T. test costs $35 (cash only) and consists of four sections:

  • Written skills
  • Mathematics
  • Reading comprehension
  • Grammar, punctuation, and spelling

You must score at least 70 percent on each section to continue on with the testing process. Once your score has been verified, you will be scheduled for an oral and character trait interview (Step 5).

Step 4: Take the Wyoming Physical Abilities Test (WYPAT)

The second day of your pre-employment testing includes the physical agility test, which is a pass/fail test (no scores required).

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The Wyoming Physical Abilities Test includes three sections: an obstacle course (mobility run); a push-pull machine; and a dummy drag.

Step 5: Undergo an Oral and Character Trait Interview

The third day of your pre-employment testing is an oral interview and a character trait interview.

Step 6: Undergo a Drug Screening and Background Investigation

Only those candidates who successfully complete all pre-employment testing are asked to complete a drug screening and a background investigation.

Step 7: Undergo a Psychological Assessment and Polygraph Examination

Only those candidates who pass the drug screening and background investigation are invited to interview with a psychologist, take several written psychological questionnaires, and take a polygraph examination.

Step 8: Attend the Wyoming Highway Patrol Recruit Academy

Candidates accepted to be Wyoming State Troopers must successfully complete Wyoming State Trooper training, which includes attending the Wyoming Highway Patrol Recruit Academy. All candidates for Wyoming State Trooper jobs must complete 14 weeks of basic training.

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