How to Become a Deputy Sheriff in Utah

Cache County Sheriff Department Jobs

The Cache County Sheriff’s Department works closely with the community to help make this metropolitan area one of the top ten safest in the country.  This department is proud to have made an average of 9.8 arrests a day in 2011.

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If you’ve got what it takes to serve with this distinguished department, review the steps you’ll need to take to join the deputy sheriffs of Cache County, Utah.

Five Steps to Become a Sheriff Deputy in Cache County, Utah:

  1. Meet the Basic Qualifications
  2. Submit Your Applications
  3. Testing Process
  4. Interviews
  5. Background Check

Step 1. Meet the Basic Qualifications for Cache County Sheriff Deputy Candidacy

You must meet the following requirements to be considered for a job as a deputy sheriff in Cache County:

  • You must have a current driver’s license that is valid in Utah.
  • You must be fluent in English.
  • You must not have had the following convictions:
    • DUI within the previous 4 years
    • felony
  • You must have U.S. citizenship by the time you are appointed.
  • You must be at least 21 years old by the time you are appointed.

Preferred qualifications include one of the following:

  • POST certification
  • University degree (2 or 4 year) in one of the following or a related field:
    • Criminal justice
    • Political science
    • Psychology
    • Social work
    • Sociology

Step 2. Submit Your Applications

Applications to become a deputy sheriff in Cache County are accepted on a quarterly cycle.  You can request to be notified of the testing dates.  The application process involves submitting two applications:  one for the Sheriff’s office and one for Cache County.  You will also need to include:

  • $25 testing fee (non-refundable)
  • Resume (one page)
  • Post certification copy (if applicable)
  • Driver’s license copy

If you do not have POST certification, you must include copies of your NPOST scores.

Step 3. Testing Process

You will have to take five tests on the same day.  They include a

  • Frontline video test
    • This will take about an hour and 25 minutes.
    • This test assesses a number of skills needed for law enforcement:
      • Human relations
      • Reading and writing ability
      • Teamwork
    • You can take a practice test online for $17.95.
  • Report writing test
    • This is a timed 20 minute test.
  • Reading test
    • This is a timed 15 minute test.
  • MPULSE behavior and character inventory
    • This is a 1 hour test.
    • It will assess your future job performance in law enforcement.

The next test is the physical test.  You may not have to take this if you have POST certification.  It involves

  • Jumping 14.5” vertically
  • Doing 23 sit-ups in 1 minute
  • Doing 14 push-ups without a rest
  • Running 1.5 miles in 16:11

Step 4. Interviews

After you have been chosen from a review of all of the applicants, you will be interviewed several times about your interest in becoming a deputy sheriff in Cache County.  You will also be assessed on your demeanor and appearance.

Step 5. Background Check

Once you have passed your interviews, your background will be thoroughly investigated.  Particular emphasis will be placed on whether or not you have a criminal history.  This process will involve a drug screen.  This is the final step in the hiring process.

Davis County Sheriff Department Jobs

The Davis County Sheriff’s Office is unique in the state of Utah in that Deputy Sheriffs on patrol also serve as on-call paramedics.

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The steps to become a Sheriff Deputy in Davis County are listed below:

8 Steps to Becoming a Sheriff Deputy in Davis County:

  1. Meet the Basic Qualifications
  2. Peace Officer Selection Test
  3. Submit Your Application
  4. Physical Fitness Test
  5. Interview
  6. Background Check and Polygraph Examination
  7. Sheriff’s Interview
  8. Attend the POST Academy for Training

Step 1. Meet the Basic Qualifications to Become a Sheriff Deputy in Davis County

You must meet the following requirements to be considered for a job as a Davis County Sheriff Deputy:

  • You must have a high school diploma or a GED
  • You must be at least 21 years old
  • You must be a U.S. citizen
  • You must have a driver’s license valid in Utah
  • You must have proof that your vehicle is insured
  • You must have been honorably discharged, if you were in the military
  • You must not have any felony convictions on your record
  • You must have had any misdemeanors that involve:
    • Drugs
    • Mortal turpitude
    • Violence
  • You cannot have committed any crimes that include:
    • Dishonesty
    • Physical violence
    • Unlawful sexual conduct
  • You cannot have committed any of these crimes involving controlled substances:
    • Manufacture or cultivation
    • Unlawful use
    • Sale or possession

Step 2. Peace Officer Selection Test

It is necessary to take the Peace Officer Selection Test (POST) developed by the state of Utah before you can apply to become a Deputy Sheriff in Davis County.  This written test examines your skill in:

  • Mathematics
  • Reading
  • Writing

You will receive your test results in the mail approximately two weeks after you take the exam.

Step 3. Submit Your Application

You must fill out an application for employment in Davis County.  You can obtain this online or at the Personnel Office in Farmington.  Along with your application, you must provide your POST results and have a score of at least 70%.

Step 4. Physical Fitness Test

Once your application has been approved and you have been selected to proceed in the hiring process, you will undergo a test to determine if you are fit enough to become a Deputy Sheriff in Davis County.  This test involves:

  • 1.5 miles of running (16 minutes)
  • Bench pressing 70% of your body weight (once)
  • Sit-ups (30 per minute)
  • Vertical jump (at least 13 inches)
  • Push-ups (25)

Step 5. Interview

As part of the initial application process, you will also be interviewed by a panel of law enforcement personnel.

Step 6. Background Check and Polygraph Examination

After it has been determined that you meet the minimum requirements and are highly ranked as a candidate, you will be contacted when a position is open.  You will then have to fill out a packet of information about your background.  The department will use this packet to thoroughly investigate your background.  This process will also involve taking a polygraph examination.

Step 7. Sheriff’s Interview

Once your background check has cleared you, you will then be interviewed by the Sheriff to ensure that you are suitable to become a Deputy Sheriff in Davis County.

Step 8. Attend the Post Academy for Training

After you have passed your interview with the Sheriff, your next step is to be trained in becoming a Deputy Sheriff in Davis County.  The State of Utah requires that all law enforcement officers have POST training.  This involves 15 weeks of training provided by the Utah Department of Public Safety.

In addition to having to pass coursework in such areas as criminal justice, you will also meet a set of requirements to ensure that you are physically fit to become a Deputy Sheriff in Davis County.

Both during your training and before your graduation, you will have to at least meet the following requirements:

  • Running
    • 300 meters in 64 seconds
    • 1.5 miles in 14:46
  • Performing 29 sit-ups in 1 minute
  • Performing 21 push-ups
  • Jumping 17.5 inches vertically

Salt Lake County Sheriff Department Jobs

The largest agency of law enforcement in Utah is the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office, with over 900 sworn officers serving as Deputy Sheriffs, Protective Service Officers, and Correctional Officers.

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If you’re interested in learning how to become a Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Deputy, follow these steps:

  1. Meet the Basic Qualifications
  2. National Peace Officer Selection Test
  3. Submit Your Application
  4. POST Physical Assessment Test
  5. Human Relations Test
  6. Interview
  7. Background Check
  8. Background Interview and Polygraph Examination
  9. Medical Examination
  10. Attend Sheriff’s Academy for Training

Step 1. Meet the Basic Qualifications for Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Deputy Candidacy

You must meet certain requirements to be considered for Salt Lake County Sheriff Deputy jobs:

  • You must be at least 21 years old.
  • You must have a high school diploma or GED.
  • You must have a driver’s license that is valid.
  • You must have scored at least 70% on the NPOST exam.

Having one of the following conditions will add preference points to your score that will be used to assess hiring criteria:

  • Being a full-time employee of the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office (5 points)
  • Being a part-time sworn volunteer who has served 2080 hour or more (2.5 points)
  • Having a Bachelor’s Degree (5 points)
  • Having taken 60 semester hours of college credit (2.5 points)
  • Having served in active duty in war zone for over 180 consecutive days (5 points)
  • Being a retired veteran who ranked less than a Major (5 points)
  • Being awarded a purple heart or being a disabled veteran (10 points)
  • Spouses or unmarried widow/widowers get the same points as their veteran spouse would have

If you are eligible for multiple categories of preference points, you will receive them in the area that would give you the most credit.  To get preference points, you must submit a special application for them.

Step 2. National Peace Officer Selection Test

You must take this NPOST test before you apply for a position as a Sheriff Deputy in Salt Lake County.  This multiple-choice written test will assess your skills in the following categories:

  • Grammar
  • Incident Report Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Reading Comprehension

Your score in each of these areas must be at least 70% to pass the test.  Depending on the number of applicants, the department might set a higher cut-off score.

Step 3. Submit Your Application

To apply for a position as a Sheriff deputy in Salt Lake County, you must visit the Online Employment Center for the county.  You must submit your National Peace Officer Selection Test (NPOST) by the end of the job announcement.

If you are seeking preference points, you must submit either:

  • DD-214 or DD-124
  • College transcripts
  • Employee/Sworn volunteer documentation

Step 4. Physical Assessment Test

Once you have met the cut-off standards of the NPOST test, you will be told the time and location of the P.O.S.T. physical assessment test in writing.  You must prepare for this test ahead of time.  The test will include:

  • Vertical jump (14 inches)
  • Sit-ups (26 in 1 minute)
  • Push-ups (18)
  • 1.5 mile run (15:54)

Step 5. Human Relations Test

Your next step after the physical assessment test will be to take a 90 minute test that assesses your response to field and office scenarios.  There are 50 situations on this test.

Step 6. Interview

After you have taken the physical assessment test, you will be interviewed to determine if you are suitable to become a Deputy Sheriff in Salt Lake County.

Step 7. Background Check

The scores of your physical assessment test, human relations test, and interview will be combined with any preference points to determine your final merit score.  Once you have received one of the highest scores, you will receive a condition offer of employment.

Then, the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office will conduct a comprehensive background check on you.  This will involve at least an examination of your:

  • Past work history
  • Credit history
  • Criminal history

Step 8. Background Interview and Polygraph Examination

Once openings have become available, you will be invited to be interviewed about your background check.  You will also undergo a lie detector test about your background.

Step 9. Medical Examination

After you have passed your background investigation and interview, along with your polygraph examination, you will be examined by a physician to determine that your health is good enough to become a Deputy Sheriff in Salt Lake County.

Step 10. Attend Sheriff’s Academy for Training

Once you have been chosen from the three candidates preferred for the Deputy Sheriff position, you will be hired and undergo training in how to become a Deputy Sheriff in Salt Lake County.  You will undergo 15 weeks of POST Basic Training Bureau given by the Utah Department of Public Safety.

While you are being trained and right before you graduate, you will have to meet or do better than the following set of requirements:

  • Vertical jump (17.5 inches)
  • Sit-ups (29 in 1 minute)
  • 300 meter run (64 seconds)
  • Push-ups (21)
  • 1.5 mile run (14:46)

You will be on a probationary period for one year after you have been hired.

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